Sunday, December 5, 2010

About This Blog

The point here is basically to introduce anyone, who is willing to read this, to some smaller Indian bands. Hopefully, I'll eventually be able to cover enough ground to tell you about a band from your locality which you hadn't heard of. But that's a distant dream. (Not like your mom, huhuhuh)

I'm a student of NLS Bangalore, and well, the proxy server here blocks Facebook music player, MySpace music, SoundClick and GimmeSound. So that leaves ReverbNation and BandCamp as my only usable sources. ReverbNation being my primary source to find music.

It's mainly about the music, so I'll just be posting about what I think of the song, what kind of a person would like it, etc. Hopefully, I'll be able to get some interviews too, who knows?

Also, I have completely stopped listening to International music, so I will not be reviewing the latest Agalloch album, okay?

And finally, I don't have the patience to sit and listen to complete albums or the money to buy them, so I probably won't be reviewing complete albums either. Sites like and are already doing a much better job than I can ever do. Maybe I'll try it out later sometime, but just not now. Or maybe I'll get my roommate to do it. I'm just reviewing whatever two-three songs are available on a band's ReverbNation page. An EP's the max I can handle.

This is so you know what they're about, what kind of music they play, jack off to their solos. So you can support them, spread the word, attend their gigs, and hopefully when they have grown a bit, buy their stuff. And if you're an attractive woman, maybe grant them some sexual favours.

Finally, if you like band you find here, this is what you can do to support them:
1.) Go like their page on Facebook, cause that's what all the cool kids seem to be doing these days. I don't know, don't ask me.
2) Let them know you appreciate their music. Everyone's a sucker for compliments. Except me. Ok, maybe me too.
3) If there's something you don't like, or think should be changed/removed or can be improved, or any area where work needs to be done, let them know. Everyone wants to grow. But you don't have to be a bitch about it.
3) If they ever play a show close to you, go attend it. And hear their music before attending. Bands seem to like it if you shout the names of their songs before they can say "The next one's called..."
4) And when they release EPs/Albums/Merchandise. Buy it. 


You can call me Kher said...

Great to see the growing interest in Indian bands! Best of Luck man.

stav said...

It's time... I should start listening to more Indian bands. Looking forward to your posts!
Good luck man!

Jesse Alex said...

Hey nice job man :)

Abhi said...

This is so cool!
We'll finally get to know about our very own bands.

Thanks Tanmay. You're doing a great job bro :)